Selamat mejalankan ibadah puasa all, semoga semua jadi berkah..^_^
yuk langsung ke tema bahasan yakni sedikit mengenal SMT Yamaha YS24 , kebetulan ditempat gawe ada 5 mesin YS24 baik yang type dual conveyor maupun single conveyor.
dilihat dari spesifikasi mounting capability nya mesin YS masih dibawah YG300 , hal tersebut karena YS hanya difasilitasi 2 unit head dengan 10 nozzle masing masing head nya , sedang YG300 dilengkapi dengan 4 unit head dan 8 head untuk masing masing head nya , tapi kalau di gabungkan 2 mesin YS24 tentu Capability mountingnya akan besar dari mesin YG300.
Berikut beberapa point kelebihan dari generasi YS24 dibanding dengan technologi pendahulunya :
Superior Mounting Capability of 72,000 CPH (0.05 sec./chip: Under ideal conditions as established by Yamaha Motor)
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Incorporates two sets of narrow pitch 10 in-line multi heads
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Equipped with component recognition system adopted with YS12
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Fully rigid dual drive two-beam configuration
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Newly developed “Dual Stage Conveyor” adopted
World’s Highest Area Productivity
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external dimensions of 1,254mm width and 1,687mm depth achieved. This
has resulted in outstanding area productivity of 34,000 CPH per square
meter, approximately double that of the “YS12”.
Compatible with Super Large Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)
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addition to being compatible with PCBs for large flat panel screens and
LED lighting devices, large industrial PCBs and other types of PCBs, it
is also compatible with super large PCBs (L700 x W460mm).
Component Supply Device with Superior Ease of Operation and Work Efficiency
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supply device adopts the single lane type “SS Feeder”. Thin,
lightweight and compact, this tape feeder is electric powered and
controlled by a micro-computer to achieve superior working ease. A
maximum of 120 units can be installed.
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The compact and lightweight feeder carriage system achieves high setup efficiency.
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A built-in tape cutter facilitates easy disposal of empty waste tapes.
High Mounting Quality Guaranteed
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“MACS”, or Multiple Accuracy Compensation System, has been adopted. It
compensates for various factors that change accuracy in a complex and
multi-faceted manner, guaranteeing a constant mounting accuracy of
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provision of a side view function, a component mounting orientation
detection function and a self nozzle diagnosis function ensures very
high mounting quality and reliability.
Actual Operating Ratio increased by Ease of Maintenance
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Nozzles common with the “YS12” and “YS100” have been adopted to ensure superior ease of maintenance.
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Standard provision of a “Blow Station” enables self cleaning of the nozzle shaft, reducing the amount of maintenance work.
Achieves Superior Ease of Operation
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display design with superior ease of operation has been adopted. An
easy to view and easy to understand man-machine interface achieves very
easy operation.
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Higher operating ratio and superior quality control are supported by softwares like “Y.FacT” and “IT Option”.
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of four display languages (Japanese, English, Chinese or Korean) can be
selected according to the location where the unit is installed.
Kalau dari saya pribadi yang membuat salut dengan YS24 adalah elektronik feeder nya yang super smooth , multi camera nya yang moving sehingga mereduce proses vision component serta axis servo nya yang menggunakan linier magnetik dengan grid sehingga meski high speed namun tetep anteng dan mak nyuss...^_^ , bagaimana dengan pendapat anda..?
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